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Life and Light

March 15, 2020

In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.  John 1:4


Jesus, who is God incarnate (Col. 1:15), made a sacrifice to atone the sins of the world. His sacrifice brings meaning to this present life and the life to come. Through his sacrifice, he conquered sin, death, and the grave. His "life" brought "light" to humanity. Life and light are comparable words. Light generates life. It draws attention to something that is hidden. Both, life and light are characteristics of the Godhead. God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). Therefore, those representing Christ's life must demonstrate his light. The Bible says that we are the light of the world. We are on earth to spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The world is lost without Christ. There is no hope in life if we, as believers, fail to share how God so loved this world (John 3:16). 


When I was a little girl, I couldn't wait until summertime. After sunset, it became increasingly dark. We would go outside to play, observe the atmosphere, and be amazed by the fireflies that would light up the backyard. Catching these harmless creatures were the highlight of my summer evenings. There is purpose in everything that God has created. Yes, He even created fireflies with a special purpose to light up a dark place. I pray that we would seek the Lord and "Walk in the light, as he is the light of this world" (1 John 1:7) so that all may be drawn to Him!


Keep in mind:

  1. When we reflect Jesus' life, His life is the light that shines bright in us.
  2. When we are walking in the light, we dispel darkness.
  3. We are the light of the world; therefore, we must not allow the world to dictate our actions.

Lord, be glorified as we reflect your life and your light! In Jesus' name, Amen.


Encourage and Be Encouraged!

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