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God is...FATHER

"Creator and Preserver of all things of the Universe; 

Infinite and Eternal Being; the Perfect and Moral Ruler of the Universe; He is the only proper object of worship; He is tri-personal-the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit constituting one Godhead (Gen. 11; Ex. 34:14; Pss. 90:1-2; 139:7-12; Job 26; Jer. 23:2-4; Matt. 3:16-17; 28:19; John 4:24; 1 John 4:16; etc)" (The New Unger's Bible Dictionary, 1985)

Attributes of God:

Omniscience: He is all knowing.

Omni-present: He covers the universe.

Omni-potent: He is all powerful!

And soooooo much more!

God is a personal being. Colossians 2:9

He desires to be in touch with His creation. Hebrews 4:15

He sent His son so that you can experience His grace. Hebrews 2:9

He loves you with an everlasting love. 1 John 4:10


Messiah=Anointed One=Jesus Christ: 

Philippians 2: 5-11 and Hebrews 1

  1. "Who (a person), being in the "form" (matter-substance) of God: "morphe," "Classical and biblical Greek word for the characteristics that constitutes a thing what it is"...It denotes the genuine nature of a thing" (Vs. 6 nkjv, Erickson, 3rd ed., 2013).
    • Jesus  is the genuine nature/substance of God.
  2. "Equality" (vs. 6) "Emptied Himself" (vs. 7)
    • "Jesus possessed equality with God, but did not attempt to hold on to it. While Paul does not specify of what Jesus emptied himself, it is apparent that this was an active step of self-abnegation, not a passive declining to take action. Hence equality with God is something he antecedently possessed. And one who is equal with God must be God" (Erickson, 3rd ed., 2013).
  3. Jesus is the firstborn of all creation. Colossians 1:15-17
  4. Jesus and God are One. John 10:28-30
  5. Jesus is the Only way to God. John 14:6
  6. Jesus paid the penalty for sin. 1 John 2:2


GOD IS ... SPIRIT  (John 4:24, 2 Cor. 3:17, Rom. 5:5)

He is:

1. The third person of the Godhead (The New Ungers Bible Dictionary, p. 583)

2. Heb. ruah, YHWH, Spirt of Jehovah"; Gk. To pneuma to hagion, the Holy Ghost, or the Holy Spirit" (The New Ungers Bible Dictionary, 1985, p. 583)

2. "He Provides contact between the believer and God" (Christian Theology, Erickson).

3. He makes the Trinity personal to the believer (Christian Theology, Erickson).

4. He seals the believer's salvation. (Eph. 1: 13)


The Trinity

The Unity of three Persons in the one God

"There is only one God, one divine nature and being.

This one divine Being is tri-personal, involving the distinctions of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

These three are joint partakers of the same nature and majesty of God."

(The Ungers Bible Dictionary, p. 1307)

Scriptural References for The Trinity

2 Cor. 1:21-22

Matt. 28:19

Isa. 48:16

1 Cor. 8:6

John 14:26

2 Cor. 13:14

John 15:26

Matt 3:16-17

John 1:1

Gen. 1:26

Luke 3:22

1 Peter 1:2

Luke 1:35

1 Tim. 2:5

Eph. 4:46

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