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March 15, 2020

Fervent Prayer

"The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."  James 5:16

Oxford dictionary defines the word effective as successful in producing a desired or intended result. Fervent, according to the Oxford Dictionary means having or displaying a passionate intensity.

It was during the late 70s when my great-grandmother was sick and dying. My siblings and I were staying with our grandmother that weekend and my dear aunt, who had also lived there, asked us to fervently pray. We were taken into one bedroom to begin a night time prayer vigil. We prayed intensely and we were specific. We prayed according to what we were taught, to pray God’s word. My aunt did not demand us to pray, but she inquired that we remain constant in prayer, if we could. She believed that God would hear the heartfelt cry of seven desperate children amongst the adults praying. Shortly there after, the intensity of our prayers were heard by God, and our great- grandmother was miraculously healed.

My aunt was righteous and she had faith in what God could do. She also knew that God would hear our prayers. Does God always respond with health and physical healing in this manner? Absolutely not! God physically heals whom He chooses (Rom. 9:18). Healing also occurs when a believer is taken to heaven. He/she is spiritually healed and forever present with the Lord. This is the ultimate healing that takes place when one knows the Lord.

The bottom line is that God heals! God physically healed our grandmother and we rejoiced!

Keep in mind:

  1. God hears the prayers of the pure in heart (Matt. 19:14, Eph. 3:20).
  2. He hears a child’s prayer. (Matt. 19:14, Matt. 5:8)
  3. He hears the saint’s prayer. (James 5:16, 1 Thess. 5:17)

Lord, help us to be effective in our prayers in trusting that you can do what seems like the impossible. Help us to  fervently pray about everything and not give up on you. Help us to remember that you alone have the power to heal completely. In Jesus' name amen.

Encourage and Be Encouraged!                          

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